what if it's all too soon?
what if i should wait?
what if im not strong enough?
what if this is not right?
what if it's not God's will?
what if this the path leading to my heart being broken again and im on that very path right now?
what if i've committed myself too soon?
what if i have a change of heart?
what if im not able to live up to standards?
what if i cant do it?
what if i cant succeed?
what if im doubting myself too much?
what if it wont work out?
what if i should do something?
what if i should just give up?
what if all this is just a fantasy?
what if its all a dream?
what if i wake up too soon?
what if this is all a mistake?
what if all these if just giving me false hope?
what if i hurt anyone?
what if all this that is happening is not supposed to happen?
what if i did anything too rash?
what if i was ignorant of the truth, went against the flow and now realise its all wrong?
BUT what if its not all wrong?
what if God's saying he's testing my faith in Him.
what if God's asking me to trust in him more.
what if God's telling me that its ALRIGHT to feel this way
what if God's telling me its alright to run out of things to say.
what if God's saying that He will ALWAYS be there.
what if God's telling me to seek first His kingdom.
what if all this is right in the first place?