Westlife <3 hot hott nickyy

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

haih..choreo-ing again!! = )

this definitely is the worse holiday i ever had!!
miss my friends sooo much!!
all my dears and dah-lings!!
i miss you!!! muakxx!

well, anyways, as you already have read from the post title..
YES, im choreo-ing again..
not a full song laa..
juz choreo new steps to add into our competition routine..
just to make it .HOTTER.

i mean, who wouldnt want to?
rm 2000 of queensbay mall shopping vouchers!!
im gonna shop till i drop!!
lol..that is IF we win the money..

if we dont get champion oso still got 1st runner up and 2nd runner up wadd..
hah..1st runner up rm1500 vouchers, 2nd runner up rm1000 vouchers..

hmm..so any Commasow CLiQue members who are in the team im sending out for this competition, pls try your best to come for practices, got stuff to discuss and well of coz the newly choreographed steps to teach you..hehe..

well, till here for now..

(ps. shirtless guys are DAMN hot mann..)