Westlife <3 hot hott nickyy

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

001. Real name: Sarah Wong YiWen
002. Nickname: salad, cat, sarawak. (that was so long ago)
003. Married: coming soon ;p
004. Male or female: Female
005. High school: PCGHS (so hate it)
008. College: coming soon...
010. Short or long hair: long (dont be jealous, all those pcghs students :p)
015. Are you a healthy freak: sometimes, hate deep fried food.
016. Height: 158cm
017. Do you have a crush on someone: maybe yeah.
018. Do you like yourself: LOVE moi.
021. Righty or lefty: Right

022. Surgery: not yet...
023. Piercing: age8
024. Person you see in the morning: in my mind is whoever i dreamt of.
025. Award: pft. dont think so.
026. Sport you join: rhythmic gymnastics
027. Pet: fish then dogs.
028. Vacation: none.
029. Concert: In kindergarden when i was 2.
030. First crush: oh yes...in 2005.

049. Eating: mcd nuggets
050. Drinking: water
052. I'm about to: go to bed

058. Want kids: yes, of course. not too many.
059. Want to get married: yea.. by 25. lol. latest 26.
060. Careers in mind: professional dancer (working towards it)

Which one is better.........................
068. Lips or eyes: both?
069. Hugs or kisses: Both?
070. Shorter or taller: not too short not too tall.
072. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic
074. Sensitive or loud: Loud
075. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble maker, definitely.

Have you ever.......................
078. Kissed a stranger: who would?!
079. Drank bubbles: wad kinda bubbles?
080. Lost glasses/contacts: lost and found.
081. Ran away from home: thought of it, never got to it.
082. Liked someone younger: nope. they're always older than me, coincidently.
083. Liked someone older: i just said so! open your eyes!
084. Broken someone's heart: i think so.
085. Been arrested: nope.
087. Cried when someone died: hell, yeah.

Do you believe in..................
089. Yourself: yeah, i think so.
090. Miracles: of course
092. Heaven: definitely.
093. Santa Claus: err..no.
095. Magics: not really. though i always hope that magic like the one in harry potter existed.
096. Angels: Most definitely.

Answer Truthfully....................
097. Is there one person you want to be right now: err...my dance tch? lol. and my FRIEND who's sleeping.
099. Do you believe in God: YES.
100. Tag 5 people: 5 people.

busy. MUCH.

OK, lets continue from....
sunday, yes! capoeira! it rocked and i LOVED it.

Capoeira is an Afro-brazillian blend of martial arts, game and dance created by enslaved africans in Brazil during the 16th century. Participants formed a roda and take turns playing instruments, singing and sparring in pairs in the center of the circle.

it was really really nice. the mestre was a brazillian guy..with quite a *deep voice and jovial face. (*so most of the time i didn't know what he was saying)..and his students had to translate some of the things he said. lol. the last roda became breakdance, i dont know how. lol. it was cool! it'll be unexplainable through my blog, you have to really do it to REALLY know how nice it was.

anyways, i might be taking capoeira up as an art too..
lol. coz apparently i CAN still fit some things into my already-very-busy schedule.
oh, and choreographing in progress for i dunno what, for fun maybe.

lol. thats it for now, since it's only tuesday.
up till next time.

P.S. a cartwheel is called "au" in portugese. oh and did you know, ppl in brazil actually speak portugese? i thought they spoke "brazilian" lol