Westlife <3 hot hott nickyy

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

busy. MUCH.

OK, lets continue from....
sunday, yes! capoeira! it rocked and i LOVED it.

Capoeira is an Afro-brazillian blend of martial arts, game and dance created by enslaved africans in Brazil during the 16th century. Participants formed a roda and take turns playing instruments, singing and sparring in pairs in the center of the circle.

it was really really nice. the mestre was a brazillian guy..with quite a *deep voice and jovial face. (*so most of the time i didn't know what he was saying)..and his students had to translate some of the things he said. lol. the last roda became breakdance, i dont know how. lol. it was cool! it'll be unexplainable through my blog, you have to really do it to REALLY know how nice it was.

anyways, i might be taking capoeira up as an art too..
lol. coz apparently i CAN still fit some things into my already-very-busy schedule.
oh, and choreographing in progress for i dunno what, for fun maybe.

lol. thats it for now, since it's only tuesday.
up till next time.

P.S. a cartwheel is called "au" in portugese. oh and did you know, ppl in brazil actually speak portugese? i thought they spoke "brazilian" lol