Westlife <3 hot hott nickyy

Thursday, November 15, 2007

result day....


haih...i spent practically the WHOLE day in school taking pictures..


vainingg...and of coz taking pictures with my gooood friendss..

.moi of cozzz.

.and of coz moi AGAIN.

this one nicer or the first one nicer??

i cant choose which one to put as friendster primary photo...

. pei huah . sarah . ee lyn . ee wei . wan wen . agnes . hooi ling .

took this picture yesterday..

see that white spot on the wall above hooi ling's head??

haha..i spray painted the wall with black then my friend go and spray white on it..



. me and michelle .

best friends for six years already!!

traditional nasi lemak!!!!

class teacher belanja us makan the de-licious traditional nasi lemak!!

. ying wei . heng lin . wei keat .

. joshua . yu sheng . yuhang .

guys chit chatting??? not in their nature..

but it IS in the nature of my class boys

to chit chat like gals like dat..lol

. pei huah . sarah . michelle .

best friends FOREVER

dont mind me

im just doing something totally out of my nature - VAINING!!

i have no idea how i came up with this idea..

i asked us to post at the door to take pic..


we look like we're trying to all squeeze into the door all at once..

. ee lyn . hooi ling .

ee lyn looks sooo cute in this picture!!

just in case you're wondering, ee lyn's a quarter indian and three quarters chinese..

her mother is half indian so iguess that would make her a quarter, right??

. wan wen . and hooi ling again .

wow! wan wen can take really nice photos..

she should be a model someday..

. eunice . michelle . zhi ying .

eunice and zhi ying is not in my class but we're still good friends all the same


michelle and pei huah impersonating...err... SOMEONE


. sarah (durhh??) . michelle . pei huah .

nothing to say about this picture..but it's nicee..


dont ask wad i was doing!!

and dont laugh!!

i noe i look stupid staring at the chocolate!!

okay, now you can laugh!!

. khai loon .

OMG!! he is soooo cute!! he doesnt even look like a 12 year old!!

we were all soooo anxious...

after recess waiting for results...

there were some ppl that got soooo nervous until

they started crying untill inconsolable..haih...

and that was before they even took their resultS!!

look at their faces!!

so we waited longer..

and while waiting took some MORE pictures and i ran up and down the corridor..

(mind you, the whole std 6 corridor was filled with ppl,

some laughing, some crying, some no expression)


too bored adee..

and then FINALLY teacher came in with the results..

one by one we went and take our result slip from teacher..

pei huah, michelle, hooi ling, ee lyn, agnes and i all agreed

to keep our result slips folded and open it all together.



and guess wad..

i screamed!!!

no, actually i shrieked!!!!!!

brr..ear piercing..

and right after shrieking i started crying!!

pei huah got 6A's one B and she cried like mad cause she cant get her new nokia 6267..

(but i think in the end she manage to persuade her dad to buy it for her)

and michelle got 4A's 3B's..

i dont blame her for crying..

so i was crying and trying to console her at the same time..

telling her she already did her best..

and her best is this..

so she cant do anything about it..and at last she stopped crying..

ee lyn, hooi ling and agnes each got 6A's and 1 B each..

so did emanuelle..

her mother came and took the results from our teacher

(emanuelle's in kl attending a training camp)

and then teacher asked us to go down and take pictures...

i think a few reporters came..

and just so you know we went down THREE times!!!

first went down took pictures then went back to class,

then they ask us go down and take more pictures

then on the way back to class and they asked us go take some MORE pictures!!!!


so tiring!!!

well, i think that's it for now..

nothing much to say laa..

oh yea!!

i told my grandma my results and im getting RM100 richer the next time i see her!!


oh, and before i forget..

here's something for your eye..



