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Saturday, May 31, 2008

i was there all along

I was there all along,
as she looked out the window.
Gazing at the setting sun,
the sky a reddish glow.
Tears running down her cheeks,
as the night grew darker.
How much longer would she stand there,
I wonder.
What could be on her mind?
Who could she be thinking of?
The sky,
now a star-spangled banner,
stretched across the heavens.
Just turn around,
call my name,
and there I would be, that very moment.
I was there all along,
but she never knew it was me.
Blinded by love,
she couldn't see me.
Now that I'm gone,
there's no turning back.
Needless to say,
happiness she lacks.
written by: Sarah
inspired by that picture.
(during science exam)