Westlife <3 hot hott nickyy

Friday, November 14, 2008

another random survey.

i like RANDOM surveys :D

1.Do you like to wear headbands?: i have a few but i dont really wear them XD
2.Who is your celebrity crush?: hmm.....orlando bloom? chad michael murray? justin form wizards of waverly place?
3.Do you gossip?: i dont know......defone GOSSIP
4.What type of music do you enjoy listening to the most?: depends on my mood. sad melancholic=slower songs. happy=fast r&b -ish songs
5.What are you listening to right now?: high school muscial 3
6.What two colors do you think go really great with each other?: green/pink and black
7.Have you ever walked out of a bathroom with toilet paper on your shoe?: NOPE
8.Do you use umbrellas when it rains?: not really, i rather get wet, unless im all dressed up. :)
9.Does it rain where you live?: YES, duhh? ever studied geo?
10.Does it snow?: NOPE
11.Would you ever go into outter space if you were given the chance?: uhh....NO
12.Do you like meeting new people?: YES. though i get kinda shy. lol so that new someone has to be opposite :p
13.Do you ever just talk to strangers?: NO.
14.Wheere is the farthest place you have travelled from home?: PAHANG
15.If you were to create a music video what would it be about?: DANCE
16.What is a word or phrase that you say a lot?: disgusting, coooool, weird, motherdonkey
17.If you were to make up a mythical creature what would it be?: anything like a cat
18.If you were to be a character on Harry Potter who would you be?: Ginny weasley
19.Do you usually dress formally or informally?: depends on the occation :) obviously i aint gonna wear an evening dress and heels to a mamak stall am i? :p
20.What do you wear to formal events?: little black dress and heels
21.Have you ever witnessed or expereienced a tradegy?: not really.......... :)
22.How many numbers are in your address?: 7
23.If you were to creat something right now what would it be?: something that would clear up my room for me without making it hard for me to look for things. or even better, a robot that would work according to my commands.....nyahahaha
24.Do you prespire a lot?: sweat? when im active . yes.
25.Do you like to debate?: Nahh...i get so worked up, i'll just lose it
26.Do you have very strong views?: uhh.......idk
27.What is your favorite beverage?: something sweet, or fusion
28.Do you like to have ice cubes in your drinks?: yesssss
29.Have you ever wanted a convertible?: nahh.a sports is more like it.
30.How was your childhood like?: fun i guess. lots of tv and honey drinks
31.Why are there barcodes on things?: so that if the thing were to go to jail, it wont need another code to go behind bars.
32.How do you believe the earth was created?: GOD created it. duhhh
33.Do you believe in science?: yea. but sometimes science makes ppl think too much about stuff. trying to make reason with EVERYTHING.
34.Do you ever gaze at the stars at night?: YEs. i LOVE it. the peace and quiet of the night
35.Would you rather live by the beach or in a big city?: by the BEACH
36.What about in a little town or the middle of no where?: little town
37.What was your favorite show as a little kid?: barney? :p
38.If you were to make a recipe book what would you put in there?: try western draped with honey. excluding pancakes
39.Do you like ice cream?: sometimes. vanilla with french fries.
40.Do you have an itch that you can't scratch?: nope.
41.Can you touch your toes?: im not bragging but i can touch my toes with my elbows :p sorry for the vainess but it took a lot of pain to get to that level.
42.Does your breath stink?: or twisties?
43.What kind of toothpaste do you use?: i love amways. but colgate i think
44.Describe to me what your living room looks like?: a fountain pot, filled with shoes, and ironing board, small little pink chair in front of the very uncomfortable couch. a fanc that doesnt really blow, and lots of slippars and shoes on the flooe. mostly my mom's and sis. oh dont forget the tv set and speakers.
45.Are you a creative person?: maybe. a little bit i goes.
46.Why do leaves change color?: because its like human, it gets bored of green sometimes, and would like to change their clothes for a bit :)
47.What creates wind?: GOD holding a ginormous fan, fanning the earth.
48.Does your computer ever stop working when you need it most?: it doesnt stop, thank god. it just laggssss alot.
49.Are you legal?: legal? meaning?
50.What did you do for New Years this year?: stayed home,alone, drinking cans and cans of shandy while watching hong kong dramas that made me cry.
51.What will you be doing for New Year '09?: i dont know, maybe the same? or maybe not,. i would like to go to the beach though :)
52.Do you ever say "quote unquote"?: i guess
53.If you could rule any country which would you want to and why?: malaysia. and becuase i hate school uniforms.
54.If someone bought you a star in the night sky what would you do?: make a wish and give the star back to god, to grant the wish? teeheehee. :D
55.Would you rather smell like feet or be extremly hairy?: neither. it both sounds disgusting.
56.Do you like your hair?: YES> i LOVE it :)
57.Have you ever been to Hollywood?: i havent been out of the country !!! hello???!
58.Is the radio overrated?: nah. lol,.
59.Do you like things that are mainstream?: huh?
60.Do you let your emotions overcome you?: sometimes i guess.
61.#$*(&@(*&@)_ ?: have you lost your ability to speak english?
62.What the?: --------?
63.What is your favorite kind of tape?: duct tape?
64.How much money is in your wallet?: one dollar. USD 1
65.Can you do a handstand?: yesss. but only for a short while. unless against a wall
66.Can you walk on your hands?: NOPE
67.Are you flexible?: i can finally proudly say yes, but my flexibility can still improve alot. lol. training takes alot of pain
68.Say something that rhymes.: while people say "as dark as night", i for one think its bright, with shimmering moonlight, brighter than my lamp light.
69.I see london, I see France, I can see your underpants :): i dont wear underpants, dumbass. :p i wear undergarments :P
70.Do you get distracted easily?: YES. im a sanguine.
71.Are you obsessed with anything?: not that i can think of any at the moment.
72.Have you ever gotten a manicure/pedicure?: nope. thinking of though.
73.Do you ever give random people hugs?: no.
74.Have you ever stolen anything?: 50 cents from my moms cupboard?
75.Are you a truthful person?: most of the time, yes.
76.How do you see the world?: it needs god.
77.Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish?: i havent been in the sea. i HATE the sea, but LOVE the beach
78.Do you have a pet goldfish? What about a beta fish?: goldfish , yes. but they died. whats a beta fidh?
79.Have you ever gotten into a streetfight?: nope. ther are no streets in malaysia, there are only jalans.
80. Do you know how to do self defense?: kick him in the groin? :p thats all i know.
81.Did you use a pacifier when you were a baby?: yes. who doesnt?
82. How old were you when you pulled out your first tooth?: 6?
83.Do you have a significant other?: nope.
84.Do you like water balloon fights?: YESSSSSEEE
85.Are you naive or are you mature?: somewhere between naive and mature and im LOVIN' it.
86.How often do you need to use the facilities?: facilities?
87.Do you like battleship?: the game? YES.
88.xXxXxXx idk.: you dont know what? i dont know why you still dont know that i already know what you dont know i no longer dont know.
89.Ask me a question?: are you dumb, dumbo?
90.Have you ever been to Funkytown?: nahh, where is it anyway.
91.Who do you care about?: FRIENDS AND FAMILY>
92.Do you live each day as if it were your last?: honestly, not really.
93.Who do you love more than anyone else?: GOD>
94.Are you wearing a belt?: nope
95.Do you like wearing hats?: NO. its so HOT. make me sweat
96.1234. Which number do you like best?: 7 ...?
97.Hello my name is _________.: KIDDO.
98.How do you keep cool in the summer?: its summer all year round here! whoo hoo! ever heard of the air conditioner?
99.How would you like to die?: in a green coffin.
100.How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: as much as a woodchuck would chuck wood.

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