i dont know how to say this in pretty words like all the pendahuluan and stuffs. im jsut gonna cut straight to the point.
the difference between the english new year and the lunar new year.
whats the difference?
english new year, we normally spend it with friends, out in the daytime, back not before 3 am.
chinese new year. the year is ended with family, FAMILY reunion. cousins, aunties, uncles, grandparents, nephews, neices, etc, all meeting together, all eating together. untill pass 12, the new year starts. also with family. as the saying goes, blood runs thicker than water.
its just amazing how this tradition runs, of ending and starting the new year with family.
another one is, first day of new year, ang paos given out. the year is started out with BLESSING OTHERS. not all those "new year present for myself" crapped shits. chinese new year, its started out with BLESSING OTHERS. blessing others no matter how poor you are. wow. isnt it?
i know it sounds suckish but my brain is asleep.
the feeling of doing something even though you know its wrong ;