Westlife <3 hot hott nickyy

Thursday, March 13, 2008

why oh why?

why must this happen to me?
why me, and not anyone else?
i hate being confused; confuded....
this thing troubling my mind right now..
its getting out of hand. its affecting my life. its Not a good thing.

ever experienced a sudden change of emotions?
change as in like 180 degrees change in a split of a second.
happy to depressed?
trouble free to worrisome?
and upturned smile becomes a downturned frown?

if you haven't experienced any of that, then you better
hope and pray that you will never ever.
'cause it sucks! im not saying this for the sake of saying it.
im saying it coz i need an outlet, to let it all go.
not all, but at least just some.
its not anything you could enjoy and brag about.

it just makes you feel so trapped within yourself,
and you cant find your way out.
you keep trying and trying, but nothing happens.
you're still trapped.
you turn to friends for help, but it doesn't work.
it makes your life "hell".

im saying all this based on my previous post.
there's one more thing i should add : i really really like this guy.
so that makes it even more headache-some for me to try
and decipher all these messages my big brain is sending me.
all i keep getting is

"you like him, but why.....?"
"nothing bad happened, but why.....?"
"why?! whats wrong with

and im starting to get REAL headaches now..
when i went for contemp class just now,
i just didnt feel like i always did when i went for class.
it was almost like hell.
oh no, im not complaining about having to do all those routines.
it felt like hell 'cause my emotions were in the cause of exploding.
but i couldnt let it. so i let it out through my dancing.
i kept catching myself staring blankly into space.
and twice i had to hold back my warm tears from falling into my laps.

i seriously dont know whats wrong.
and i keep pondering on this same question
"why? why did i feel like that all of the sudden?"
but the answer never gets to me.

i should be happy. it's only logical to be happy.
but well, i guess there are some things in life
that just cant be logical, can it?

someone save me from this. get me out of this.
cheer me up, put the smile back on my face
where it rightfully belongs.
and i just hope its you.