Westlife <3 hot hott nickyy

Friday, June 20, 2008


ooh.. i havent updated for 5 days. sorry ppl (who pays me visits)!!
okay. so..internet has really been lagging these past few days.
and it took me like 45 minutes...oh nvm.

anyways, schools not so much of a bliss. but friends are wonderful, recently we've been talking alot about *coughs*ahem ahem *coughs*.ahh.. right,

moving on.

school had a science fair that day. some of the booths were really interesting, like hot to make your own detergent (that smelled like red wine), how to make your own fruit mask, organic drink, herbal batteries, bla bla bla. saw wei lynn ther. in her art club shirt. i din noe she was in art club. sheesh.

anyways there was this booth on ising optical illusions to improve our eyesight so im currently into optical illusions. lol. hey! they're fun!

ok, so english literature in school in the topic "the lake isle of innisfree" was what that really probed me to post.


the quality of peace is hard to find. our mind is always thinking, our hearts are always feeling. different ppl find peace in different conditions, different times, different places.

in our lifes nowadays, peace is hard to find, with school work, rows with parents, misunderstandings with friends, and for some of us, maybe problems with boyfrined/girlfriend. all of these penetrating out heart and soul and mind, sometimes bring us problems and confusion, tears and pain, making hard for us to find OUR blissful peace within ourselves.

we wouldnt be able to "escape" to "innisfree" like william butler yeats did right, what with the noise level of classmates, teachers, parents, television, traffic and our blasting music.

i wonder how life would be without all these problems. what would life be if we humans didnt have to THINK so much. how would our lifes be if we could find peace whenever we want.

well, i guess i'll never find out, cause life keeps going on and on, never stopping, ups and downs comes and goes. tears and laughter each passing in its pace, taking life in in its stride. life will not stop until the day we shut our eyelids forever.

and with our ever-moving-life. problems arise, heartbreak, tears, pain and hurt. its unavoidable. so dont keep on focusing on the things ppl do or do not do that hurt you cause life's too short..if you feel like you need to talk to someone, then do so, maybe then you'll find our PEACE there.