Westlife <3 hot hott nickyy

Saturday, December 27, 2008

people change


sometimes ppl change. friends change. loved ones change.
soemtimes it takes a long time, sometimes it happens in a month, in a week, or even over night.
sometimes its for the better good, sometimes its NOT.

have you ever experienced a close one changing?
changing for the worse?

sometimes, its actually not for the worse, its just a CHANGE.
but we cant find ourselves liking the change coz we have spent all this time getting accustomed to, and liking the person we once knew.

and suddenly, BAM, he/she is gon, to be replaced by a new HE/SHE.
and it hurts, it feels like we've just lost someone so valuable to our hearts.
alot of people go through this hurt.

but dont let a person who changed bring you down,
take it as a "MOVE ON", take your friendship with that particular person as an experience, as a lesson. LEARN from it. and then you move on, meet new people and make new friends :)

and THANK GOD for putting that person in your life, even if he/she has changed, thank god becuase god surely has he's plans and reasons for putitng that someone in your life :)